Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Administrative note

This is just a note to let you know if you've been trying to post a comment, and if it appears that your comment hasn't been received successfully, it's because I've begun moderating comments before they appear on the blog. That's thanks to a couple of complete morons who've been trolling here in the last couple of months. So, don't worry, your comments have been received and if they're not disposable idiocy, they will appear on the blog after I've had a chance to clear them. Sorry for the red tape, but those of us who choose to act like grown-ups are still forced to take measures to deal with the childish tantrums of others.


Anonymous said...

The nasty comments also ruin the experience for me as a daily reader. I get very little out of the comments, as I'm sure readers of my comments will agree.

If the poor comments continue, you should publish your email address so that I can send you the sycophantic "bravo" comments for you to graciously ignore.

Otherwise do what you must, so long as you don't deprive us of your sane voice.

J.T. said...

Don't worry, Ed...your comments are very much appreciated. And you don't have to worry about the jerks if I cut them off at the pass, which makes for a bit more work for me, but a better experience for everyone.

Robert L said...

On this note:

Anonymous Commenters Hall Of Tame Tag